Equalizing the skin tone with the whitening effect

  • Spot treatment
  • Tightening pores, opening fine lines
  • Increasing skin elasticity
  • Revitalizing and renewing the skin

In addition, DS Meso Shine provides a whitening effect on the skin shortly after its application and supports the lightening of the color tone of the spots to a large extent. The use of a micro-needling system, especially during the application phase, results in faster improvements in removing stains and other skin problems. For this reason, the application should definitely be done by a specialist.

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Who can it be applied to?

DS Meso Shine shows therapeutic properties for many skin problems, from acne that appears with puberty to spots that occur later. Permanent results are obtained in clients with these problems, especially when applied to a correct treatment schedule.

DS Meso Shine helps the skin to fulfil its natural function by providing an effective solution for a dull, irregular skin type with acne scars. The planning of the DS Meso Shine procedure depends on the area to be treated and the problem. For this reason, a special treatment process should be prescribed for the client, except for special cases such as pregnant and/or breastfeeding women, insulin-dependent diabetes, and cancer.

Unique DS MESO SHINE Technique

Are you looking for the best results for your client?

Revolutionary DS Meso Shine is a unique technique that tightens the skin and provides spot repair.

Vitashine benefits:

  • Tight skin
  • Even skin tone
  • Improved acne and scars
  • A non-porous skin

The results we obtained in this maintenance and renewal process:

  • Deep skin cleansing
  • Regulated moisturizing effect
  • Strong skin barrier
  • Protective layer

Skin analysis should be done in the presence of an expert to determine the skin treatment. 

After that, the client should follow the protocols with expert recommendations

Needle-free Mesotherapy Device

  • Stimulates collagen and elastin production with its mechanical effect.
  • This combination is especially preferred for thin and sensitive skin.
  • Protects the skin barrier and strengthens it.

The purpose of needle-free mesotherapy is to penetrate deeper skin areas with active ingredients. It is used instead of the well-known traditional needle injection for deeper absorption of the serums to be used. This technique is often known as the last of the needle-free anti-aging methods. Active ingredient concentrates have a great effect on the renewal process of skin cells. DS Meso Shine supports the protection of the skin barrier by penetrating directly to the deeper layers of the skin with its active peptide content. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin with its high-precision mechanical effect.

Needle-free Mesotherapy Device

DS MESO 11 and DS MESO 10 assets:

The combination of cross-linked hyaluronic acid with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals revitalizes and deeply moisturizes the skin. With this deep treatment, age-related changes in the skin and connective tissue can be significantly reduced. It does not create the risk of infection with painless treatment.


DS Gold Whitening Ampoule


Multi Peptide, Niaciamide, Adenosine, Vitamine Ecetate


DS  Whitening Ampoule


Multi Peptide, Niaciamide, Adenosine, Vitamine Ecetate

Ensures stress-free skin

Protects agaınst the negative effects of the environment

Ensures stress-free skin

Interferes with detention bruises

Protects against UV rays

Soothes acne and acne scars

Soothes acne and acne scars

          Ds Meso Shine new generation repairing care protocol

Its plays a protective role against the negative effects of the environment on the skin. By providing visible skin repair, it creates calmer and stress-free skin. By helping to increase skin’s firmness, it contributes to providing wrinkle and color tone equality.


              Regenerative component DS MESO SHINE

It enlivens the skin with a younger appearance as well as treats skin problems caused by certain reasons. By minimizing file lines and wrinkles in the long run, it supports the skin to look fuller and smoother.


              Reinforcement component DS MESO SHINE

It shows tissue healing properties by balancing the roughness, firmness, and moisture rate that the skin has lost


          Ds Meso Shine new generation repairing care protocol

Its plays a protective role against the negative effects of the environment on the skin. By providing visible skin repair, it creates calmer and stress-free skin. By helping to increase skin’s firmness, it contributes to providing wrinkle and color tone equality.

              Regenerative component DS MESO SHINE

It enlivens the skin with a younger appearance as well as treats skin problems caused by certain reasons. By minimizing file lines and wrinkles in the long run, it supports the skin to look fuller and smoother.



              Reinforcement component DS MESO SHINE

It shows tissue healing properties by balancing the roughness, firmness, and moisture rate that the skin has lost


Ensures stress-free skin

Protects agaınst the negative effects of the environment

Ensures stress-free skin

Interferes with detention bruises

Protects against UV rays

Soothes acne and acne scars

Soothes acne and acne scars