

Beauty Experts &

Professional Skincare


DS V-LINE is an international binding academy with experts in more than 50 countries headquartered in South Korea, Germany, and Turkey.

This academy, which brings together the best skin experts in the world, has implemented the collagen rope protocol developed as a result of long clinical studies in Germany in 2020.

The content of the protocol was created by the founder of the company, Dilay Şahin.

Since DS V-LINE has trained thousands of experts and masters, it has had the opportunity to introduce the collagen rope protocol in various ways. This has led to the international recognition of the binding academy. At the same time, as the leader of the beauty industry, it offers the latest and most effective trend products to consumers.

Thanks to the importance it attaches to customer satisfaction and training, DS V-LINE aims to continuously improve based on the feedback it receives. Its main purpose is to accurately determine the needs of the clients and offer permanent solutions. In addition, it continues to innovate beyond the existing options in line with the experience it has gained.

Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Goal

We continue to provide training to the world's most professional skin experts. In addition, we develop professional products with natural skin-friendly, and highly active ingredients and make them suitable for the use of the end consumer.

To be a leading and respected brand that plays a key role in the beauty industry in the world, its expertise is trusted, and the first thing that comes to mind when the Collagen thread is mentioned.

We continue to provide training to the world's most professional skin experts. In addition, we develop professional products with natural skin-friendly, and highly active ingredients and make them suitable for the use of the end consumer.

We aim to be a company known as a leading and respected brand in the beauty industry, playing a key role around the world and known for its Collagen thread, whose expertise is trusted. By focusing on the beauty needs of our customers at the highest level, we strive to maintain our leadership in the industry and to be an inspiring brand with our innovations. We aim to continuously improve without sacrificing quality, expertise, and innovation to gain the trust of our customers and provide them with a unique experience. Our goal is to redefine beauty standards, providing our customers with high-quality products and services that will make them feel their best.

Motivation as the Key to Success


Dilay Sahin                   

Esin Kaba                   

Monier Annabelle     

Monica Pachter          

Aysa Shahınzadeh     

Nazila Sharegi Anvar

Elke van Calster          

Christel Hassens         

Marjolein van der Eem

Willemieke Nagel      

Karin Westendorp      

Lisa Hillen                     

Diana Bonivento         

Tamara Urbani            

Kazeni Kosar                

Vanessa Mutafchieva 

Aysen Mergen             

Cigdem Bulut             

Meltem Sakranli          

Merve Koc                     

Sebnem Celik              

Sibel Catladi                 

Zeynep Artegin           

Agna Smeeds         

Anja Likuski Vengels   

Maria Cristina Gagliano

Saartje Hoeks         

Ahmed Sami      

Gülay Kocak             

Edina Pomucz      

Emel Sizmaz      

Kitty Sueters      

Mehrafza Gholipouri      

Valentina Coscionei      

Helle Magnusseni      

Dr. Karima Djoumi      

Amela Jahić      

Petronela Jariabková      

Zuzana Remenikova      

Andrea Nunes      

Milka Akimovski      

Filiz Cam            

Grandmaster Turkey

Master California, USA

Master France

Master Israel

Master Iran

Master Canada

Master Belgium

Master Belgium

Master Holland

Master Holland

Master Holland

Master Holland

Master Italy

Master Italy

Master Oman

Master Bulgaria

Master Turkey

Master Turkey

Master Turkey

Master Turkey

Master Turkey

Master Turkey

Stretch Mark GrandMaster Turkey

Master Belgium

Master Germany

Master Switzerland

Master Holland

Master UAE

Master Germany

Master Hungary

Master Cyprus

Master Holland, Belgium & Luxemburg

Master Canada

Master Italy & Spain

Master Denmark

Master Sweden

Master Bosnia

Master Czech & Slovakia

Master Czech & Slovakia

Master Switzerland & Brazil

Master Macedonia

Master Germany

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Success Stories

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DS V-LINE, aims to raise the bar of skincare education worldwide and empower women to feel confident in their beauty. 


Revolutionizing Skincare: DS V-Line’s V Lifting Roller Cream for a Youthful Glow

In today’s world, skincare routines are not just about adhering to beauty standards; they reflect personal care and health. Introducing DS V-Line’s V Lifting Roller Cream 120G, a pioneering facial cream that deeply moisturizes and firms your skin, paving the way for a younger-looking you. Enriched with natural and potent ingredients, this luxurious cream nourishes, revitalizes, and rejuvenates your skin. Its practical round massage head turns it into an indispensable part of your daily skincare routine.

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3 must have

3 Must-Use Ingredients for Your Skincare Routine

In the quest for flawless and youthful skin, the ingredients in your skincare products play a pivotal role. DS V-Line is dedicated to offering products that not only promise but also deliver significant skincare results. This guide dives deep into three powerhouse ingredients that are essential for anyone looking to enhance their skincare routine. Incorporating these ingredients can lead to visible improvements in skin tone, texture, and overall health.

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How to Become a Skincare Specialist? Career Opportunities with DS V-LINE

DS V-LINE Academy offers comprehensive and innovative training programs for those aspiring to become skincare specialists. These courses focus on the most in-demand services in the beauty industry, equipping participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to stand out. The curriculum, led by Dilay Şahin and her team, teaches the beauty services of the 21st century.

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retinol serum

Eye Area Rejuvenation and the Power of Retinol in Skin Care with DS V-Line

Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A and a powerful antioxidant that supports skin health. It boosts collagen production in the skin, accelerates cell renewal, and thus aids in the improvement of skin texture. The use of retinol serum in skincare routines is preferred especially for acne treatment, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, evening out skin tone, and enhancing skin texture.

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acne driying serum

S.O.S. Drying Acne Serum: A Miraculous Solution for Acne and Skin Imperfections

Skin problems, particularly acne, are common issues that can significantly impact one’s self-confidence. One of the innovative solutions offered by modern dermatology, the S.O.S. Drying Acne Serum,, could be an effective ally in combating these skin imperfections. In this article, we’ll delve into the serum’s potent ingredient combination, application instructions, and how it provides a solution against skin flaws. Potent Ingredient Combination The S.O.S. Drying Acne Serum offers a quick and effective solution against skin imperfections through a specially selected combination of active ingredients. These ingredients include: This combination of four powerful components not only fights acne and pimples but also maintains the skin’s natural balance, promoting a healthy appearance. Application Instructions For effective results, it’s crucial to use the S.O.S. Drying Acne Serum correctly. Here are step-by-step instructions: Sun Protection Advice Since the product can affect the skin’s oil balance, it’s recommended to use a high-factor sunscreen before going out in the sun. This will protect your skin from harmful sun rays and enhance the serum’s effectiveness. With a miraculous formula containing 15.90% natural ingredients, the S.O.S. Drying Acne Serum is a reliable helper in the fight against acne and skin problems. This serum cleanses, soothes, and promotes a healthy look while offering a quick solution against acne and pimples. As part of your evening skincare routine and with regular use, this product will help maintain your skin’s cleanliness and health. Check out our other blog about skin rejuvenating Niacinamide Serum:

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The Ultimate Guide to Collagen: Everything You Need to Know

Welcome to our comprehensive blog on collagen, the powerhouse protein that’s fundamental to our health, beauty, and overall well-being. Whether you’ve come across collagen through beauty products, dietary supplements, or health discussions, it’s clear that this protein plays a vital role in our lives. Here, we’ll delve into what collagen is, its importance, types, benefits, sources, and tips on boosting your collagen levels. What is Collagen? Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, making up about one-third of its protein composition. It’s a key component of connective tissues that form several body parts, including tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles. Collagen provides structural support, strength, and elasticity, essentially acting as the “glue” that holds everything together. The Importance of Collagen Collagen’s benefits are wide-ranging, impacting our health and appearance in profound ways: Types of Collagen There are at least 16 types of collagen, but the majority of the collagen in the body consists of types I, II, and III: Dietary Sources of Collagen Collagen is found in the connective tissues of animal foods. Good dietary sources include: Boosting Collagen Levels As we age, our body’s collagen production naturally declines, leading to signs of aging. However, certain lifestyle choices can help boost collagen levels: Collagen is indispensable for our health and well-being, influencing everything from our skin’s appearance to the strength of our bones and joints. By understanding the vital roles collagen plays and how to support its production in our bodies, we can take meaningful steps toward maintaining our health and vitality for years to come. Remember, a balanced diet rich in collagen-boosting nutrients, along with a healthy lifestyle, can significantly impact your body’s collagen levels and overall well-being. Whether through dietary sources or supplements, ensuring your body has enough collagen is key to supporting a vibrant, healthy life. We hope this guide has provided you with a thorough understanding of collagen and its importance. Stay tuned to DS V Line’s website for more insights into health, beauty, and wellness.

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